Monday, 3 November 2008

He's The Laziest Lizard In Space

So, the first episode of Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard was released 4 days ago and has been generating a lot of positive feedback. Progz has really done a good job with it and it's a fun and funny little game, and I am really proud to have been a part of it. And to think, Limey Lizard was born through SHAG (Stickam Hour Adventure Game), then it evolved into a MAGS competition entry with an added mini-game, and from there it exploded into this short/medium length adventure game with full voice acting and a brilliant soundtrack. Perhaps I'm bias, but I would have to say that it is my personal favourite AGS game - and there are more episodes to come!

If you would like to check the game out for yourself, head on over to the game's thread on the AGS Forums at

Also I was speaking to Grundislav (creator of the Ben Jordan series, and the voice of Mr. Hissington) a few days after the game's release and he congratulated me on the voice, and also said that if I was interested in doing more voice acting he could find a part for me in Ben Jordan Case 8, which is really awesome and I'd love to do it, I am even considering investing in a new higher quality microphone.

Anyway, enough about Limey Lizard for now. Time for a Boyd update: I am still doing pretty well, I'm just a bit tired at the moment because I've started to sort my sleeping pattern out, and the way I do that kind of has me exhausted for a few days as I generally stay up for as long as I can (which can be anywhere from 24 to 30 hours) and then just head to bed early and get a good sleep, then I try to stay awake until a reasonable time the day after. I stayed up for 25 hours yesterday, headed off to bed at 5pm and woke up at around 2:30am, so I've already been awake for over 11 hours. I'm hoping to not go back to sleep until later tonight but it's going to be tough.

But atleast this way I can be around more during the day.

Well that's it for now, I will probably update again at the end of the week.

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to know someone else spotted your talent, yay!