Thursday, 16 October 2008

Taking The Day Off(line)

So, I decided to spend the majority of the day (technochronicologically yesterday) offline.

The reason? Well, I woke up feeling kinda meh - I couldn't really be bothered to do anything or be around anyone who might make me feel better, I was just kinda wallowing in my depression. I also hoped that if I did start to feel better again I wouldn't have any distractions therefore enabling me to get some more dialogue recorded for Limey Lizard, but that didn't happen.

Although one thing I did get done today was make dinner, which is something I never do or atleast not for anyone but myself. But I was going through one of my cook books the other day and came across a simple recipe for 'Bacon and Cheese Rosti' and thought "Ooh, I could make this for me and my dad for dinner" so I did, and it turned out really well.

It seems as though my recent interest in baking cakes and things has extended into cooking in general, I find myself flipping through the books looking at all the interesting recipes and before I've even got round to making anything I'm thinking of ways to make it better/different.

The interest is also part of this newfound need for me to be self sufficient, really, I'm 27 years old and it is about time I did know how to look after myself. I mean I'm not an invalid or anything, I CAN do things for myself but I generally DON'T want to or to really be more accurated: I've never had any need to. But now I do want to, and learning how to cook meals for myself is a good step towards self sufficiency, it also means I can do more around the house and be the one cooking my dad dinner when he gets in from work rather than the other way around.

Anyway, that's all for now.


1 comment:

Sylvr said...

Hurray for self-suffiency!